Elisabeths Gylne Pensel

My journey to the canvas started in January 2019.
It is a magical journey with Jesus.
My heart is to share His heart through the brushstrokes
I hope my brushstrokes will bless your life!
Reviews from beautiful people
Powerful images that in so many ways show God's love and care for us. All the pictures show Elisabeth's relationship with Jesus, and they really speak to the heart, at least to mine. Gets constantly overwhelmed when a new picture comes. God is truly good!
Kristin M.M
Amazing Talented Artist a Joyful smile & positive content , engaging & inspirational When ordering anything from Elisabeth you will get product that is wrapped with the utmost care & attention to detail. I recommend a piece of her Art will Brighten & Bless anyones Home ❤️
Stevie L
Your words and images speak to me, they lift me up, give me love and security, strength and peace. God satisfies me with what is good, so I become young again like the eagle. I love many of your images Elisabeth, will mention here - Eternal love, the sparrow, Dreamland, Embrace and the realm of childhood ..
Lill Ruth M.
I am a Christian and it means a lot to me to surround myself with Christian things. I am also grateful to be able to give away cards with Christian energy. I thank God for showing me you and your beautiful art. Thank you for you and your beautiful art.
Liv Inger L.
Paintings that show life
Paintings that give reflection
Paintings with life and meaning
Paintings with a testimony
Else Marit M.
Thank you so much for the faith you share through art! Your story and what you create is very inspiring. God bless you!
Ingrid A.H
Your art touches me on a deeper level. It is both healing and penetrating. Thank you for conveying Gods Fatherly heart in this beautiful way.